Week 10: Progress

This week I painted the UI screen for the village shop. Here it is:


I also finished texturing the loot props and started work on the loot screen.


Worked a bit on the hub scene as well, but it is not yet finished. Modeled and textured props for both, the village scene and the dungeon.

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Week 9: Map Generator Meshes

I continued working on the map generator by implementing a mesh loader to decorate the maps. Walls and corners are spawned on obstacle tiles depending on surrounding movable tiles. This makes sure that obstacle tiles will not spawn in unnecessary meshes if the player never comes across them. Ceilings, floors and details are spawned on movable tiles.
I worked mostly with temporary meshes and materials for now.

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For the rest of the week I plan to finish and hopefully insert the generator in the main project. This will include some updates to the corridor generation to make sure no dead ends, or parts of the map that are cut off from the player are created, and I will also load in more detail meshes.